First Berlin Equity Research
We provide independent equity research and market intelligence on small and micro cap companies in a variety of sectors to banks, asset managers and other institutional investors.
Our equity research team analyses economic, market, industry and company data to optimise the performance of our clients’ investment portfolios and to help companies set their strategic direction. Purely focused on micro and small cap companies, our analysts offer stock recommendations and insights into industry trends and precise valuation perspectives through in-depth reports.
Strength in Relationships
Close connection to management of the companies we cover, some of which we’ve been working with for 20 years such as PSI Software SE and PNE AG
Global distribution list of institutional investors for each industry sector with readership lists generated each month
Investment recommendations available through major financial portals (i.e. aktiencheck.de, onvista.de, etc.)
Channels & Distribution
DGAP, Thomson Reuters, Deutsche Börse Capital Market Partner, FactSet, S&P Capital IQ Research reports read by over 2,500 institutional investors and cited in financial media including Börsenzeitung, der Aktionär, €uro am Sonntag, Handelsblatt, FAZ und Wirtschaftswoche

Our Core Values
The principles of integrity, transparency and competence drive our research and provide the basis for a fair analysis and valuation of companies.
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